
Empower all children to reach their academic and social potential so they can be independent contributing members of their school and community.



Promote Conditions of Learning and Pupil Outcomes

  • By providing high quality instruction, all students will meet or exceed their common core standards-based goals.

  • All students will be taught by fully credentialed staff.

  • By providing relevant professional development, all teachers and specialists will be able to provide the instruction students need to meet or exceed their goals.

  • By working in collaboration with general education staff, all students will benefit from instruction and intervention in the general education setting.

Promote Positive School Climate

  • By providing appropriate supports and services, all students will access the general education curriculum in their least restrictive environment.

  • By providing tools and training to special programs and general education staff, all teachers and school teams will be empowered to include all students.

  • By providing strategic behavioral and emotional instruction and supports, all students will develop the knowledge and skills they need to navigate their school experiences successfully.

Promote Engagement

  • By working collaboratively with parents through the Individual Education Plan (IEP) process, all students will have appropriately ambitious goals.

  • By continuing a partnership with Opening Doors PTA, all students and families will feel welcomed and engaged in a compassionate and supportive school community.

  • Special Programs and Opening Doors will actively promote disability awareness and inclusion through student and parent organizations in all schools.