During the 2022-2023 academic year, BRSSD has collaborated with Trustees, District leadership, teachers, staff, families, students and community members to collect input on what we value most about our schools and opportunities for continued improvement to inform our next strategic plan.

The 2023-2026 strategic plan framework was adopted by the BRSSD Board of Trustees on June 15, 2023 based on community input and Task Force research collected during the 2022-2023 academic year.  We would like to thank our community members, local advisors, and partners who contributed to the vision and initiatives that will help to shape next steps and focus for our District.  We are especially appreciative to our Board of Trustees and the Strategic Planning Task Force for their essential leadership and contributions to the planning process and to the more than 550 people in our community who contributed ideas to consider through online surveys and in-person focus groups. 

BRSSD Strategic Plan Framework - 2023-2026 graphic

For more information, please see the strategic planning agenda items in our online Board materials or contact Superintendent Dan Deguara at 650-620-2703 or email ddeguara@brssd.org.

Read more about the BRSSD Strategic Plan below (choose full screen to zoom):